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良好的羅德與施瓦茨SMBV100B 矢量信號發生器為同類產品樹立了標桿。R&S®SMBV100B 具有超高輸出功率、充分校準的寬帶信號生成和直觀的觸摸屏操作,非常適用于各種應用。
羅德與施瓦茨SMW200A 矢量信號發生器新增: 高 2 GHz 內部調制帶寬。 R&S®SMW200A 是一種矢量信號發生器,適用于嚴苛的應用。 得益于靈活性、性能以及直觀化操作,這款矢量信號發生器可用于生成復雜的高質量數字調制信號
羅德與施瓦茨TS-PSU電源Key Facts The R&S® TS-PSU module contains two fully independent and floating source/sink channels which can have different ground reference levels.
羅德與施瓦茨NGMO電源Key Facts TheR&S®NGMO analyzer/power supply is more than just a simple power supply for test and measurement applications. This is shown by its advanced features:
羅德與施瓦茨HM8040電源Key Facts 2 x 0 V to 20 ?V/0.5? A; 1 x 5? V/1 ?A 3-digit switchable displays (display resolution 0.1 ?V/1 ?mA) Pushbutton to activate?/deactivate the output